Author Archives: Craig

Blue Goose web site

Blue Goose Inc

Blue Goose Inc

Anvil Graphics just completed one of the more demanding web sites in some time. The site, completed with colleague and coder Kyle Geminden, was a couple months in the making. The site helps our client position themselves as an expert in their field. Blue Goose offers a wide variety of trade show and event products, graphic design and services. The main goal of the site is to show a wide variety of past projects, as well as what is possible in the future. To do this we utilized a great number of galleries and images. This is a CMS site, the acronym for Content Management System. This approach, based on the Statamic CMS, allows the client to make many more of their own changes and updates. It also allows for easy remote updating from any internet browser. This site is also deeply optimized for both desktop computers and mobile devices. It is a fluid layout with columns that change according to the users screens size.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

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In December we were able to visit NYC again, so I got my first chance to visit the MET. It is a very large museum, and I made no attempt to see it all. Instead I took a good long look at sculpture and artifacts from antiquity, specifically: Etruscan, Greek, and Roman. After that survey I did a spin through several of the 19th C European painting galleries, and finished by a quick spin through modern American Art. I was thrilled to see several of my favorite sculptures, particularly by Noguchi, Maillol, Calder, Lachaise, and Boccioni. I look forward to seeing much more of the wonderful museum in the future.

Assyrian Low Relief Carvings


I have seen these Assyrian carvings, and similar ones from Egypt and other ancient sites, in the art history books for many years. I found these in the Brooklyn Art Museum, in fact a whole room of these, and nothing can really prepare you for the impact they have in person. The scale is enormous, and the carving truly spectacular. Very memorable.

Our first trip to New York City

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On our return trip from Newport, RI in August, we got to make a stop in NYC to drop Audrey off at JFK. After rendezvousing with Brandon, we set out to get to know the city a little bit. We traveled by van service and subway into the Dumbo area for this view of the historic Brooklyn Bridge, then under the East River by subway to lower Manhattan. We visited the 9/11 Memorial, which really is a must for anyone traveling to the city. From there we walked to Battery Park at the tip of the island for a view of Governor Island, Liberty Island and Ellis Island. We were near Wall Street, but decided to call it a day. The following day we checked out the Brooklyn Art Museum and Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, both excellent places to visit.

85th Annual Fiddler’s Picnic

fiddlers_picnic_2This past weekend I attended the Fiddler’s Picnic for the first time. The annual event in Pennsylvania is really nice and laid back. Everyone can be a participant at some level, or just sit and watch the bands rotate on the main stage. Hibernia County Park is beautiful, and the event seems well organized (but they could use better signage to find the place). I pulled out my guitar for a couple hours and found I could keep up pretty well. Even learned the intro line to “Friend of A Devil” from another picker. People wander around from one musical circle to the next, joining for any length of time they desire. It is great to go to an event which is not completely commercialized by some corporate sponsorship – unusual in America today. I should have got someone to take my picture, but here is one of a the groups I played with.

Cover Up in Moore, OK ???

Who is hiding the truth about Moore, Oklahoma ?

(or why there is NO coverup in Benghazi, Libya).

The Republican Party is positive there is a huge coverup regarding the terrible events in Benghazi which lead up to the loss of American lives. They point to the descriptions provided by the media in the first hours of the attack which characterize the attack as a protest or rally – not a full fledged terrorist attack. Benghazi is around the world, a smaller town in a practically lawless country, far from the mainstream media. Initial reports were made by embassy staff and military personnel. So did accurate reporting do any better right in our own backyard ?

In Moore, in the middle of the afternoon, news helicopters from Oklahoma City first reported and filmed the storm, and some of the most dramatic photos where taking immediately after the storm by Oklahoma photojournalists. West coast media were on the scene within several hours, and the East coast media were reporting live from Moore by the 11:00 news EST. So why are the basic facts so screwed up? The following facts come from CBS, NBC, CNN and NPR:

Initial report – tornado lasted at least 30 minutes, revised report, 40+minutes.
Initial report – tornado path 11 miles by 2 miles, revised report, 17 miles by up to 1.5 miles. Initial report – 51 dead, with “dozens” of children missing and feared dead in Plaza Tower, revised report, 24 dead including 10 children. Initial report, EF4, revised report EF5. Initial report, 5,000 homes destroyed, revised report 13,000 homes destroyed, and last night’s revision places the lost homes at 1,900.

I believe that these numbers are messed up primarily because the news media are trying to be the first to report SOMETHING, even if it proves to be wrong. There is no coverup in Moore, and none in Libya. Benghazi is a red herring, but still a sad loss of life. And to those who lost property or loved ones in Moore, to borrow a phrase from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “what does it matter” how long the tornado was on the ground – long enough.

If you can, please give cash to the victims of Hurricane Sandy, Moore, and the families in West, TX, who lost 1/4 of the town and 14 people in that terrific blast.

War of 1812, 200th Anniversary

These are photos of reenactment participants at the May 4th celebration. During the War of 1812, the British sent troops to invade Havre de Grace (May 4th, 1813), sack the town, and burn much of it down. This was a fun celebration and helped us get to know Havre de Grace and the area better.

May 1st, Garden Photos

This is a baseline as we get serious about identifying more of the plants in the garden. A few things, like the witch hazel and several other shrubs have already bloomed, along with the daffodils. No tulips, no hyacinths. The first slide shows our new bridge.

Erie Sculpture Installation

Made by Craig McDowall in 2008, the sculpture “Coal Creek Homestead” offers a glimpse at the lives of settlers in the Erie area of Colorado, along Coal Creek. Elements of this sculpture represent the coal mining which took place, the locomotion era, the family homestead and reflections, the lonesome prarie and big sky, the ballooning events the area has become known for, and the richness of the earth, which provides the livelihood for many farmers and ranchers. Click to enlarge.


Coal Creek Homestead, Erie Library, Erie, CO


Coal Creek Homestead, Erie Library, Erie, CO